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   About the school
     Founded in 1995, The TCM Building is the biggest one in music colleges in Tehran, and is also one of the largest music schools in Iran. Designed for people of all ages and levels of ability, it is recognized for its outstanding Early Childhood Education programs and its commitment to lifelong learning. The high-quality, practical and academic instruction offered by The TCM School represents a constantly evolving selection of musical traditions, including early music, classical, popular, folk, jazz and world music. The Community School offers practical music classes and lessons in a variety of acoustic and electric musical instruments; classes in music theory and history, music appreciation, and music and technology; as well as accredited and internationally recognized professional certification courses in musical Instrument teacher training. Notable Professors and Trainers of the TCM include:

 Kalachiyan, soprano

 Aghabekiyan, composer

 Kashirskaya, violin

 Afsharniya, ney

 Klara, pianist

 Afshar, saxophone/Clarinet      

 Shekrachi, kamanche

 Elhamiyan, producer/composer

 Dabiri, trumpet/trombone

 Firoozi, oud/tar/setar 

 Alexander, pianist

 Lagha, flute

 Shafieeiyan, santoor

 Mirhadi, guitarist

 Jahanbani, jazz guitar

 Boroojerdi, sitar

 Akhoondi, guitarist

 Afsari, theory

 Meisam  Moafi, Tar

 Riyahipoor, base guitar

 Sabahi, music philosophy

 Zakeri, santoor

 Saboktakin, base guitar

Ali Moafi, acoustics

 Abbasi, singer (Iranian Traditional)     . 

 Keivanshookooh, Drum

 Eftekharzadeh, rock guitar

 Atabaki, violin

 Kimiyaee, guitar

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