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  Tehran Conservatory of Music
 (khosh Nahad Peiman Cultural &Art Institute)
     The mission of Tehran Conservatory is the education and training of musicians of all ages from around the world, drawing on the talents of an accomplished faculty, and nurturing individual excellence in a challenging and supportive community dedicated to the highest standards of performance, teaching, and scholarship. In so doing, TCM aspires to ensure that music has a central place in public life and that the broader value.
Music has been a prominent feature of life at young conservatory since its founding in 1995; the first Diploma in Music was conferred in 1999. Today, the conservatory curriculum affords students a unique blend of professional education in music and a wide range education, a combination that has produced outstanding performers, composers, educators, and scholars. A superb faculty prides itself on the individual attention given to more than 20 music majors who pursue their degrees at TEHRAN CONSERVATORY. Conservatory training is, by its nature, rigorous. While the Tehran Conservatory is highly competitive, students compete not with each other, but with themselves, testing their capacity to discover and realize their own potential. Students alike - celebrate each others' achievements with enthusiasm and unselfishness. As a nationally recognized conservatory integrated with a distinguished college of the fine arts, science and technology offers a distinctive educational opportunity, providing professional music training without compromising other intellectual and academic opportunities. All Tehran Conservatory students pursue all of their course work inside of music, and many choose to complete both the Bachelor of music degree and the conservatory diploma degree in Music in a special five-year program. The study of music at TEHRAN CONSERVATORY is a challenge pursued in the context of the vibrant intellectual life of a highly regarded liberal arts college. TEHRAN CONSERVATORY is exclusively an undergraduate college. Unlike many other music schools, TEHRAN CONSERVATORY students do not compete with graduate students for roles in the opera, chairs in the orchestra, or faculty attention. The conservatory faculty is an active group of performers, educators, scholars, and composers, engaged in their art but committed to teaching undergraduates. While maintaining active performance careers, the faculty also serve as advisors and mentors to their students. The long-lasting friendships forged from these close relationships between students and teachers are a hallmark of a Conservatory education.
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  Web Design : Parsa rashidi Ins      Programmer : Hassan Rashidi