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   What is World Music ?
Four Ways of Defining World Music Boundaries

Before we even attempt to define the island of misfit musical toys lumped together as “world music,” let’s try an experiment: Close your eyes now (well, not yet, you have to read the rest of this), and picture a 5-second mental snapshot of a jazz musician. OK, pretty clear, eh? (Was yours wearing a beret? So was mine.) Now, try to do the same thing and picture a "world music" musician. If you’re honest (and, by the way, you can open your eyes now), you and the five friends you will email this article to will each see imagine that world music maestro wearing different kinds of hats. It is exactly that enigma and variety that gives this area of music such richness. It means different things to different people. Originally, the label was something concocted and handed down by publishing and marketing executives who were challenged by how to sell the collected works of Babatunde Olatunjito a record-buying public too lazy to learn to pronounce "djembe." World Music will never be “one” thing and so there is no way to offer one simple definition.

Message from the Dean

Greetings! On behalf of the staff and faculty of The TEHRAN CONSERVATORY of Music, I would like to invite you to join us in the exploration of musical education as a student in Iran capital city’s leading music school. We are proud to have superb departments of distinguished artists and educators, all of whom are committed to the development and growth of their students as artists and individuals. The driving force behind our school is our commitment to excellence in music education, to developing new programs to meet the needs of our growing student body and to presenting educational opportunities that accurately reflect Iran’s unique multicultural social context. Each year we continuously strive to complement our existing high-quality programming with new initiatives in areas such as children’s programs, Iranian Traditional Music (Singing/performance), Classical (Singing/performance), rock /pop/jazz/blues/metal and more. Our programs are designed for everyone, – all ages, all levels, and all cultures – and our goal is to provide every student with a life-altering and enriching artistic experience at the highest level of performance.. As this is your conservatory, we welcome your input. If you wish to contact us for more information or make suggestions, please send an email to:

The TCM Community School Faculty

Our faculty includes an outstanding group of over 74 music professionals. Our talented and dedicated teachers have trained internationally and have taught and performed at some of the world's most prestigious institutions. Their commitment to art is matched by their devotion to teaching. Whether just beginning or training for a career in music, you or your child will study with a teacher who will help you fully develop your musical potential and provide you with skills for a lifelong enjoyment of music. If you are interested in private lessons, we would be pleased to recommend a teacher.

Goals of The TCM Community School

The staff and faculty of the Community School seek to:
Enrich individual lives through music
Strengthen ties between communities through cooperative musical activities
Offer superior programs for music education to students of all ages and wide range branches.
Remain accessible to students with financial need
Actively partner with other arts organizations to bring music and the arts to a greater number of individuals in our community
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