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news date : 11/10/2007

 Tehran Conservatoire Needs Gov’t Support

Director of Tehran Conservatoire has complained about the lack of state support for the orchestra, said CHN.
Speaking on the occasion of 10th anniversary of establishment of conservatoire held in Russia, Ali Moafi noted that the conservatoire has received no financial support so far. “We expected cooperation from officials and managers in the music sector,“ he said.

  However, Moafi asserted that the conservatoire had to shoulder all the expenses, including paying music instructors and inviting classic music groups.
“Despite all these shortcomings, the quality of teaching music in Iran is very high,“ he added.
Deputy head of Tehran Conservatoire, Meisam Manafi, also said that Iran has begun cooperation with Russia in the field of classic music, because Russians are well-versed in classic music.
The ceremony was attended by members of Russia’s Tchaikovsky Conservatoire

News Reporter    :   Mohammadi Far

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